Price: £800
Accreditation: Fully accredited with CPD
Entry Requirements: One of the following:
NVQ Level 3 (General Beauty)
12 Months Needling Experience
6 Months Needling Experience and Anatomy & Physiology Level 3 or Above.
Location: All courses are held in Brentwood, Essex
Aqualyx is a revolutionary solution to lose weight in a tried and tested way. The method of using the aqueous gel to remove excess fat, utilises a non surgical method to target fat cells to destroy them permanently.
Students watch live demonstrations
Students will then have 2 models they will inject fully supervised by their senior tutor
We offer ongoing support and aftercare
Guaranteed insurance
CPD Accredited certificate
We allow you to picture & video for your own play back for learning
Give you all our social media and picture tips
Advise you the best places to buy all your product and stock